Toddler Room

Our Toddler Room strives to run with a one adult to four toddler ratio.
We work with a child’s parent(s) or guardian to help the child develop self-help, communication and relationship skills. When the time comes, we support children as they transition to “potty professionals.”

We encourage the children to be at the Center for at least two days a week for successful integration into the program. We offer full-time and part-time care in order to meet the unique needs of individuals and their families.

What Parents Must Supply

Please include:
Lunch & Breakfast*
Extra clothes & socks
Pacifier, if needed at nap time

Please make sure everything is labeled with your child’s name.

Meals & Snacks

    • *Breakfast and Lunch are provided by the children’s family.


    • We will serve breakfast to children if they arrive by 8:15am. The individual room schedules vary. Again, please talk to your child’s own teachers to find out the details.


    • We will sit down together and talk as we each eat our own meals. We will work on using our manners, making conversation and using good eating habits while we dine.


  • Snacks are provided to the Toddler Room by Kings School Kids and they are eaten family-style.