
King School Kids Childcare & Preschool

King School Kids is unapologetic about our commitment to the church of Jesus Christ. Our music, stories and videos reflect our commitment to Christian values and lifestyle. We use the best faith based and secular art, stories and music to ready our children for life in the world. Our goal is to find the gifts and graces of each child, parent and staff member and help them reach their God-given potential.
In a world where society compartmentalizes our lives, we work to integrate the social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the children and young people in our Center.
At King School Kids we use the Pennsylvania Learning Standards in our curriculum development. This ensures that our children, starting from infancy, meet Pennsylvania benchmarks for learning and development.



Kings School Kids has been in operation for over 40 years and is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. We are a Star Center with the PA Keys for Quality. The building is safe (with a buzzer system allowing entry) and still has a homelike, rather than institutional, atmosphere. Visit us! We would love to show you around!

Train children in the right way and when old they will not stray. – Proverbs 22:6